
At Trygg-Hansa I led the design process forward for 5 years, launching many, many releases whilst working close with UX and developers.

  • My roles

    Lead front-end designer, Senior graphic designer

TL;DR – I have from the ground up established and led the digital design experience of Trygg-Hansa, working extensively in areas such as agile design management, UI, prototyping, user testing, development consulting, design systems and more.


To start with; almost 5 years in one place is a long time for any designer.

In 2017 I was hired as the first designer Trygg-Hansa ever had employed. They were after a senior designer with the main task of setting up their in-house department of design for the web, something they previously had somewhat outsourced but mostly were a task for the developers. 

One of my biggest personal goals was to teach the organisation about the importance of good design and to build everything we do on data and user insights.


Develop a new digital graphic profile

One of the first projects I took upon me was to develop a new, uniform and more modern digital graphic profile. When I started, much of the design language was in disarray; with pixelated hand-drawn icons designed for print, colors that mismatched wherever you looked, no custom web font other than Arial and with remanence of different marketing campaigns everywhere.

This project touched on everything from standardising colors, to designing hundreds of new icons, to implementing a custom web font, to setting standard sizing on text and spaces, to creating an web icon-font to adding a new teal blue accent color and much more.

Image of design for Trygg-Hansa
Old design to the left, my new design to the right


Establishing a design culture in a big organisation

Working at one of Swedens most recognisable companies founded in 1828 is in its own merit a privilege. One thing that became apparent early on was the different silos that had been in place for decades, where parts of the company did not really communicate with each other.

This was of course something that was suboptimal for me, as my task was to unify the web experience. I began to establish standing meetings with both developers and copywriters where the goal was to share knowledge and engagement of what everyone was working on at any given time.

This was a crucial step that I could not have been successful without. If developer A does not talk to copywriter B or designer C, no design is going to come out right. I have always been keen on keeping a close relationship with particularly developers, perhaps it’s because I’m aware of just how hard an easy design can be to develop.


Design forth an atomic component library

To further keep the design language in a standardise way, I designed an atomic component library. Working in this manner, and very closely with the developers, we managed over the course of 2 years to implement updated design to over 50% of Trygg-Hansas 200+ pages and flows.

The tried and true atomic design principal showed even more success whens the developers started to implement vue.js to their workflow, as the translation between my designed atomic library and the javascript class-based ecosystem went smoothly.

Image of design for Trygg-Hansa
A fraction of established components and design standards


Create a brand guide web platform

A project that took me years to implement from idea to release was a unified web platform for all of our digital assets and guidelines. I took the project forward by my own accord to counteract my colleagues’ frequent design related questions.

I laid forward an action plan where I found several solutions with varying complexity, we went with my suggestion of the supplier Frontify. With the management on board, me and the rest of the company started to fill it up with assets and guides in a structured process. Today it’s the go-to place to find information or files regarding the whole Trygg-Hansa brand.

Image of design for Trygg-Hansa
One of many pages with digital assets, here showing some of my icons

Let’s get in touch

Like to know more about me?

Morgan Hassel
Morgan Hassel